
Genetic methods are standard in marine science. The limiting factor in retrieving high quality samples for genetic research is depth or fixation. This highlights the general problem that sampling the deep sea is not only time consuming and expensive but also that a lot of impediments need to be overcome to produce high quality molecular data from the few specimens caught. During the BIOICE-project standardized fixation was in 4% formalin and only a small fraction of samples was fixed in ethanol. With our experience from the CeDAMar expeditions, we were able to overcome the impediment in retrieving high quality samples for genetics by developing standardized protocols. During IceAGE we will use our gained knowledge for a sampling design for genetics.In Icelandic waters live a high number of “old” or “early described” species. Famous taxonomists like G.O. Sars or Hansen published drawings of most species living around Iceland and Icelandic researchers described a lot more during the last decades. Many of the species occurring in our IceAGE sampling area are the type species of  a genus or even of a family. This makes it extremely interesting to gain genetic information from such a species for phylogenetic analyses or molecular taxonomy, e.g. the DNA barcoding approach in MarBOL (Marine Barcode of Life).